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Delve Deeper is a heretical roguelike dungeon crawler for the Commdore 64.

** Note: an italian translation is available below - Una traduzione italiana è disponibile più in basso **

The world is at peace, and evil has been vanquished... Necromancers grow medicinal herbs and dark knights have opened weapon shops.

But for the ones crazy or bored enough of this idylliac lifestyle, there is one place to really feel alive again: the Chasm of Evil, the last evil stronghold in the world.

It's a magical labyrinth of everchanging rooms that spawn deep underground, which promise excitement, riches... and death to the daring. WIll YOU emerge victorious from its depth?


- Exciting old-school 8-bit gameplay and hires C64 graphics!
- Randomly selected rooms: no run is like the next
- Selectable depth
- 3 difficulty levels
- More than 20 different enemies
- Multiple boss monsters
- Mini quests, shops, and helpers
- Event rooms
- New Game plus features with increased difficulty
- More than 120 sprites!

The game is controller by either the joystick in port 2 or the CRSR keys on the original C64. If you emulate it, the RIGHT cursor key will be your UP key, and the DOWN cursor key will be your DOWN key. Or just plug a joystick!

Please note: We've received contrasting reports from our testers about the game difficulty. So we ask YOU players: What do you think of the game difficulty? Let us know in the comments!



Delve Deeper è un eretico incrocio tra un Dungeon Crawler e un Roguelike per il Commodore 64

Il mondo è in pace, e il male è stato sconfitto... I necromanti coltivano piante medicinali e i cavalieri neri hanno aperto negozi di armi.

Ma per i pazzi, i sanguinari, o quelli annoiati abbastanza da questa vita idilliaca, c'è un posto dove potersi sentire vivi: l'Abisso del Male, l'ultima roccaforte delle tenebre rimasta al mondo.

E' un dedalo incanto, composto di stanze che cambiano per ogni visitatore, dipanandosi nelle profondità della terra... Un labirinto che Promette brividi, richezze... e morte a chi ha il coraggio di affrontarlo. Riuscirai ad emergere vittorioso dalle sue viscere?


- Semplice sistema di gioco vecchia scuola 8-bit e grafica C64 in hires!
- Stanze a selezione casuale: nessuna run è uguale alla precedente
- Possibilità di scegliere la profondità del dungeon
- 3 livelli di difficoltà
- più di 20 nemici diversi
- Mostri boss multipli
- Mini quest, negozi, e alleati da trovare!
- Stanze evento
- Nuova Partita Plus, con difficoltà incrementata
- Più di 120 sprites!

Il gioco può essere controllato tramite il joystick in porta 2, o i tasti CRSR su hardware originale. In emulazione, il gioco usa i tasti cursore DESTRO per scorrere i menu verso l'ALTO, e il cursore BASSO per scorrerli verso il BASSO. Oppure connettete semplicemente un joystick/joypad!

Nota: i nostri tester hanno avuto pareri diversi sulla difficoltà del gioco: per alcuni è troppo facile, per altri troppo difficile. Vi invitiamo a provare i vari livelli di difficoltà, e di farci sapere cosa ne pensate VOI nei commenti. Grazie!

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Tagscommodore, Commodore 64, Dungeon Crawler, oldschool, retrogame, Roguelike
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LanguagesEnglish, Italian
InputsKeyboard, Joystick


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

DelveDeeper 1.3.zip 524 kB
Supporter Pack.zip 201 MB
if you pay $5 USD or more

Development log


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Beautifully crafted game. Ultra-neat presentation.


Thank you Greg! I see around you're quite savy with character based graphics, so it means a lot if we managed to impress you!

Ciao! Tutto molto bello... anche la musica! :) Sono Stiopa di www.heimatderkatastrophe.bandcamp.com e mi piacerebbe pubblicare la colonna sonora di Delve Deeper in cassetta! Se siete interessati sentiamoci!

Mi metto a cercare un vostro contatto con violenza, e vi scrivo!
Conosco HDK!!! Figata totale!

heimatderkatastrophe@gmail.com :)


I really enjoy Delve Deeper and so in addition to writing the .D64 image to a real floppy, I created a proper disk label for it as well.

This label Is so Amazing! I want it too!

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It's lovely! We might run an extremely limited (aka, mostly for ourselves and a few friends) boxed version in the future. If we do, we'll add the official disk label to the goodies for sure ;)
Until then, everyone can grab this lovely version!

That is great work!!!

Looks like I hit the end. 

But the screen is speaking italian instead of english. Message translated in english says: "And in the end we went out to see the stars again".

Known bug?

(2 edits) (+2)

it's not a bug. It's a (partial) citation from the last verse of the Inferno (Hell) part of The Divine Comedy, in its native language, and the game designer wanted to keep it that way on purpose.

Inferno, XXXIV

My Leader then, and I,
in order to regain the world of light,
entered upon that dark and hidden path;
and, without caring for repose, went up,
he going on ahead, and I behind,
till through a rounded opening I beheld
some of the lovely things the sky contains;
thence we came out, and saw again the stars.

Lo duca e io per quel cammino ascoso 
intrammo a ritornar nel chiaro mondo; 
e sanza cura aver d’alcun riposo,
salimmo sù, el primo e io secondo, 
tanto ch’i’ vidi de le cose belle 
che porta ’l ciel, per un pertugio tondo. 
E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.     

Ok! Thanks for the info. I never read The Divine Comedy, so I was not able to make a link to it.

You made a great game and I played it with a lot of pleasure.

Have a good day.


Hi! I'm DD game designer! Nice to meet you. I Hope that you enjoyed the ride out the Chasm. I confess that putting that line at the end of the game was a strong kink of mine, since the game earliest iteragions. I Hope it did not disturbed your experience too much.

I enjoyed your game and finished it both on easy and normal skill.

I was just surprised by the message in italian at the end. And my experience was not disturbed.

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Nice and relatively simple dungeon game that you can master quite quickly even as a complete beginner. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:36:22. Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

Awesome RPG game !

Dude, I'm so glad you liked it! There Will be and update soon with some extra goodies and several bugfixings.

(1 edit)

Excellent ! To have a faster support about publishing your game. You can send an email to c64masters2020@gmail.com just only if yu wish so. Thanks !

(1 edit) (-2)

Gather round, folks & haters,

T'was only a matter of time the modern day cancer known as "rogue-like" came to the C64. (Thank God the C64 is too weak for a "souls-like", otherwise we would never see the end of it).

They give us nippon-style RPG's, pathetic attempts at DOOM (lol) and stuff like this. I just thank the people who make proper arcade titles, so we may forget said stuff.

Now If you'll excuse me, I'll go for another round of Dig Dug.


(2 edits) (+1)

Lol. Here, grab some of my chill mate.

Thank you for being the first hater here, and it's not trolling: you just told me we can reach you somehow, and in a sense I understand we speak the same language. And remember that no matter genre preference, retrogaming should be a friendly club. So please do not assume i am trying to ruin someone else party here . Enjoy your cup of tea while I enjoy mine, muddled as it may be.

Just a couple of points from a design point of view.

I think it's funny how you think of this game as a "modern cancer roguelike". Nah. It's like rogue in the sense it's random. A lot of random stuff. And it's got dungeon and you can only go down. That's it.

And it's "-like" because Rogue Is so damn big and awesome and I can't redesign it. Don't rage so much over a label. This game has got literally NOTHING of modern roguelikes.  I don't personally like most of them, net hack is my thing.

It also is not an attempt at Doom. It would be AWESOME in that case, innit? Fantasy doom /heretic on commodore? I'm on board. But no, i can't code that. First person in this case is a homage to Classic dungeon crawlers like Eye of the Beholder or Dungeon Master. I suppose you know this games but in case you do not, give them a spin. You'll love them.

Mechanically speaking, this game have nothing in common with a jrpg. It Rolls d20 and has a mechanic inspired by the likes of Frostgrave, not Final Fantasy. Yeah, I'm a miniature nerd.

Long may live Dig Dug, but there's more to the c64 than arcade ports. And also, i would have loved a game like this and i am sharing it. Nobody Is talking away glory or glamour from arcades.

Wish you long 'n fun gaming days reflex, see you around.

P.s. not that I'm a fan of those, but you Just gave me motivation to design a c64 soulslike. XD

Edit: typos 


A rogue-like that isn't a rogue like. Well, if you say so. I am not convinced, but I do like my tea with a sip of Rum. Cheers.

Congrats on this game, we will review it in the ZZAP! 64 magazine. If you have further games or updates, drop me a line and maybe we can publish them exclusively on the coverdisk for the readers. Many thanks, David. jazzcat64@gmail.com

Thank you!

Many thanks for this great game - here is my tribute.
This one play through recorded below made me buy this...

I watched your Amazing video and it made me feel so Happy. I writer a long commenti for you on YouTube, but I won't Copy pasta it here. I'll Just Say that it's and Amazing serendipity that we hot so many gaming experience in common between us, across time and space. You mentioned WoFT, which Is a game I absolutely adore, and ofc the while universe of pen and paper dungeon romps. So Cool.

Let's keep retrogaming and dungeon crawling, sisters and Brothers.


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I'm speaking (thinking) in italian and i say : "Preso senza pensarci due volte e solo a vedere le immagini riconosco la passione per il CBM64!!". So, in few words : Very passion for commodore 64 and italian do it better! Nice game!



First try and not bad at all... Never fight a golem, that's all :)

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The golem Is mean! Oftentimes i get mauled too!

Nice game, thank you. I also added that to my December's New Commodore 64 Games -video too.

This is amazing! Thank you!

thank you! ;-)

I left some money for the devs via Paypal. Keep up with the good work. Is there a manual or soemthing which explains the symbols and the story or the goal of the game? 

Hi! I'm thingumbob and i am the dude responsible for the manual. And i am also QUITE LATE on it xD. I apologize, but I'm working on it in order to be a fun and pleasing product / meta-content for Delve Deeper. My partner in crime Griffon just told me he's gonna upload some Quick reference guide in the meantime.

Thank you for your understanding and please bear with me .

The game has Indeed some peculiar lore i'd love to share with you in a proper medium.


Thingum "Bobbe" Bob


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Thingum_Bob already replied to this question, but as a stopgap measure, I've added to the download section a quick reference guide, with some tips and a healthy dose of humor inside. Hope you like it, while the full manual is being worked on!


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Why such long load time? By the way the game is quite nice, could use some more polishing though. Enemy stats should appear before engaging combat (so one has a reason to decide to flee or fight) and they should also be updated during combat to reflect damage taken. Options that imply paying gold (such as paying monsters or praying at the altars) should show the cost. Fixing stuff like that would improve the experience considerably. 

(3 edits)

Hello! The game uses the standard kernel load routines, which aren't known for their speed. I am surely not a master C64 programmer, and in fact the game has been written in XC-basic (https://xc-basic.net/), not in assembly. Surely someone expert in assembly would have been able to write a fastload routine, and would have been able to write code in a more efficient way. But alas, that someone is not I.
A side effect of using compiled code, is that some revisions just do not work when compressed. I haven't a clue of what triggers this problem, and it has been a mad rush to get the game out before Xmas (although it was a self-imposed limitation, we would have never released it if we didn't set a date for ourselves). That being said, I'll make sure that the post Xmas updates will have compressed executables. Those quicken the initial load time (aka, the black screen one) by around 60%. I strongly suggest using a kung-fu flash cartridge on original hardware if that load speed won't be enough. On VICE, CTRL+W activates warp mode that will considerably speed load times up.
About the other suggestions, I will try to implement them in the next update as well. Really, the only limit is the meager amount of free memory, but I'll try :)
Thanks for the feedback!

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Thanks for replying extensively 👍🏻yeah developing games takes tons of time and taking care of the finer details even more so. Kudos for the good job done so far, I really hope in an update that brings the game to its full potential

Good job! https://c64universe.wordpress.com/2023/12/23/delve-deeper-2023-grifonchan/

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Thank you! And thanks for the coverage!

Congrats my friends!!!! 

Thanks mpjedi :D

Awesome game!

Thank you! And thanks for the coverage on your channel!!

Christmas came early this year! I love the game, the style and all the awesome details you guys put in your game, great stuff!

I think the internet ships us, N0l4n. <3

Thank you, A LOT. 

Thanks n0l4n! It's indeed a love letter to the whole retro community from us to you all :D